Friday, March 30, 2012

A Kinder, Gentler WTF

I had some car work done yesterday which meant I had time to kill while waiting for it. So, I went thrifting. I picked up some random items, but I found this to be the most amusing. It is a silver name necklace that spells out FRICK. I am sure that someone in the Frick family was the original owner. Of course, my mind went where it loves to thrive...the gutter. I thought it an amusing play on words. People have used frick as a replacement for f--k for quite some time. I saw the opportunity to market it as a f--k necklace with the use of frick instead. A way to wear f--k on your neck without offending anybody. So, it is now in my shop for sale.

I also picked up some other random items including this pitcher for myself. I had to buy myself something as well, didn't I?

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